Friday, October 8, 2010

Circle time stress

I'm in a tizzy about circle time.

Honestly, I'm not too sure why circle time exists. Sure, it may be fun to jump up and down, sing songs and listen to stories, but isn't free play more fun and less of an effort on the part of adults who are in charge in leading circle time? Am I alone in this thinking?

My circle time stress started last month at a fabulous playgroup we are now a part of. It is wonderful. There are plenty of activities to keep the little one occupied, good conversation among parents and yummy treats. I must admit when it is circle time, my stress level increases. Darling daughter has no interest in sitting quietly with the other children, listening to stories. She has no interest in sitting in a circle participating in singing and dancing. Luckily, the organizers don't seem to mind that my kid is running in circles at the other end of the room while circle time is going on.

My circle time stress level was manageable until we completed our first preschool session. When I was picking up darling daughter, the instructor remarked that she doesn't do well in circle time. To be fair, she's young. It is hard to tell a two year old that playtime is over after playing with fun toys for about 45 minutes.

My circle time stress level went into overdrive this week when I was on parent duty day at preschool. I learned that in fact there are two circle times. For the first one, I had to keep myself busy washing paint pots and brushes. The second one I had to sit with darling daughter and urge her (and there was a bit of pleading on my part) to sit and participate.

It is funny how I will stress out about things. I remember I stressed out that darling daughter wouldn't sit up. Now she sits up but won't sit still for circle time. I know it will come in time, but honestly, what is the point of circle time? Isn't it more fun to play with toys?

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