Friday, October 22, 2010

The snowsuit decision

For awhile I've been feeling like a crappy mom since darling daughter didn't have a snowsuit for the upcoming winter. Momma guilt went into overtime yesterday when I saw a one-year-old bundled in a snowsuit at the bus stop. Since it is almost the end of October and dear husband called the local tire store today to make an appointment to get our winter tires installed on the car, I decided no more excuses and immediately executed Operation Buy Snowsuit.

The last two years we've lucked out as darling daughter has wore fleece suits. Her first winter she was still contained in her infant seat when we went out. Last year, she was uneasy on her feet in winter boots and she didn't play outside in the snow. This year is a whole different story.

After putting Operation Buy Snowsuit into effect, I soon found myself in Mountain Equipment Co-op. The last time we brought darling daughter with us, she cried up a storm. I've learned that it best to go alone. But solo shopping has its disadvantages as it is hard to gauge size with no child in two. I was soon pondering the question: do I go with the size two or the size three?

I ended up taking both suits home and letting darling daughter try them out. Size two fits nicely. Size three is roomy. But I'm afraid that if I went with size two, we'd need size three in mid-January as she is due for a growth spurt. But do I want my kid tripping in a suit that is tad too big? Argh, it is the same question every year when it comes to outerwear: do I go with the size that fits or the bigger size?

A decision has yet to be made. I'm leaning on going bigger. This is likely a question that many have pondered for generations, including my own mother. Damn snow. I have yet to see a flake and I'm cursing it already.

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