Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dishpan hands

Other than a maid or the over use of my dishwasher, is there any solution to dishpan hands?

I don't exactly have dishpan hands, but every time I turn around I'm doing dishes. Dishes from breakfast. Dishes from lunch (and there seems to be a lot of them) and again dishes at dinner. Pots, pans, plastic cups and dishes, knives and anything else needs to be wash. I seem to be chief bottle washer in this joint.

Dear husband does his best. We do take turns unloading the dishwasher, another task I detest, but there are only so many times you can ask your significant other if he doesn't mind putting away dishes when you are overdue for your turn.

Me: Can you unload the dishwasher?

DH: No, can you? I did it last time.

Me: Pleeze? Pretty Pleeeeeeeeze? I'm tired. I always do it.

DH: Okay (audible grumbles in the background).

So yeah. Dishes. They are a pain. Have to live with them, can't live without them. I wish someone would invent self cleaning dishes. Or maybe I'll win the lottery one day and hire someone who is devoted entirely to washing my dishes.

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