Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

We are already on a sugar high.

When darling daughter woke up this morning, she was asking for candy. Candy, candy, and more candy. Last night we had made the mistake of letting it slip that it was Halloween and Halloween essentially means candy. Although I'd like to think that my daughter doesn't know what candy is, let's face facts. She does. The innocence of not knowing what candy is has ended.

This morning it looked like more than Christmas than Halloween. Last night it snowed. It snowed a good four centimetres. Blah. Regardless, we packed up the car this morning with treat bags to participate in trunk or treat.

The moms group that I belong to hosts trunk or treat. This was our first time participating and the idea is quite a clever one. Everyone lines their car up along the perimeter of a parking lot with truck facing into the parking lot. Decorate the truck and kids go trick or treating from car truck to car truck. Really, it is quite ingenious, especially when you have little ones who may not be all that willing to trick and treat in the dark. Also, who wants to risk giving their two-year-old candy right before bed? This way, you can avoid the just-before-bedtime sugar rush that Halloween night usually brings on.

To make the event more exciting, there was an ambulance, a school bus and an OC Transpo bus to explore. Darling daughter was in seventh heaven. She loves buses. At one point I didn't think I was going to get her off the bus, however, the allure of candy did the trick.

We scored lots of candy. She wanted some for lunch. I'm not too sure what I am going to tell her after she wakes up from her nap because she'll be asking for more. Damn sugar. We aren't too sure if she'll go trick or treating tonight. If not, she can buzz around the house in her bee costume and hand out candy (and likely eat some).

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. I love the trunk or treat idea too! :) We had done it last year and it was quite fun; DH went this year as I didn't want DD2 to stay out in the cold Snow-lloween too long... DD1 sure loved the "props" too :P
    (and, oh yea, the candy innocence has clearly ended..!! :/)
