Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Political change happens when you vote

For those who live in Ontario, you likely woke up to some political changes.

This was certainly the case in Ottawa. Not only did we elect a new mayor, we elected 10 new councillors, six of which are political challengers who defeated incumbents. Gone are Alex Cullen, Glenn Brooks, Christine Leadman, Rob Jellett, Georges Bedard and Michel Bellemare, many of whom were long-time veterans on city council.

This is the first time in the history of the amalgamated city that an incumbent went down in defeat. Sitting on my couch, watching the results come in, I was surprised, but at the same time I wasn't. Obviously Ottawa residents wanted change. I know I've been craving it.

Perhaps we learned our lesson four years ago when we elected a new mayor, but kept with the status quo with incumbent councillors, which led to a dysfunctional environment. It seemed like council would make decisions, but then change its mind. And in some cases, it wasn't willing to make a decision. Council seemed stalled, entrenched in an combative stance. If we wanted change, electing a new mayor wasn't going to cut it. Change needed to happen all around the council table. In my ward, we elected a representative who seems to be a fiscal conservative, which is quite astounding as the councillors who have represented the area since the city first amalgamated have been left leaning in their political views. Again, people wanted change.

But change only happens when you vote. Reports indicate that voter turnout was lower than it was in 2006. Forty-four per cent of eligible voters cast ballots in Ottawa's municipal election. Ouch. My parents taught me at an early age that you must exercise your civic right and vote, even when you don't want to. There have been plenty of elections that I've almost had to hold my nose and vote, but not voting seems almost sacrilegious. If you want your voice heard, you've got to vote.

Congratulations, Ottawa. You voted for change and change we got.

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