Monday, November 2, 2009

Time change change-up

Yesterday, I was revelling in the fact I had an extra hour. Today, not so much.

Between getting the H1N1 vaccine and the time change, darling daughter didn't have a great sleep last night. She woke up several times last night. Which meant I woke up several times last night. Added with the fact that I forgot to change the time on my alarm clock on Saturday night, I was majorly confused when I woke up in the morning. When my eyes fluttered open, I thought it was 6 a.m. But in fact, it was 5 a.m., which made sense because it seemed to dark for 6 a.m. About an hour later, I almost had a little panic attack when I saw the little hand approach 7 a.m. because dear husband had not gotten out of bed yet for work. I thought he had slept in. When I woke him up, he pointed out to me that it was not yet 6 a.m. He was not impressed.

So now darling daughter's schedule is a mess. Dear husband is tired because darling daughter woke up several times during the night and I'm getting depressed because there is only about an hour or so of daylight left. The sun seems to be getting too close to the horizon for my liking. I'm not a fan of this time of year. The days are too short and the weather is too cool, which is a sign of winter approaching. I saw a Christmas commercial for the first time today. Yikes! I hope the next several months fly by because I'm ready for spring.

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