Monday, November 30, 2009

Meal planning Mondays

In September, I blogged about my immense dislike of meal planning. I'm not much a big meal planner. In fact, I'm not much of a chef. I like to bake, but I detest cooking. That's what take out is for.

However, take out is not economical feasible or healthy. So someone has to cook meals and that someone is me as barbecue season has now come to a close. Lately, I've been doing okay in the meal making/planning department. Although I didn't plan any meals in advance last week, I made most of them. The only stumble in my new dinner making regime was on Friday. Dear husband decided that he didn't want leftovers and I decided to continue on the bad food day I was having (I had a burger and fries for lunch) that we decided to get some pizza slices for dinner. I hope to redeem myself this week.

So this week I decided it was time to bite the bullet, come up with a meal plan and grocery shop accordingly. Hopefully it will work. Tonight we are having chicken tetrazzini, which is simmering in the slower cooker as I write this. Tomorrow will be slow cooker lasagna. I have even browned the hamburger meat. Also on the list is meat loaf, a good ol' standby in our household. We bought a small whole chicken which will make a delicious meal. I was planning to make almond chicken and rice sometime this week, but I'm not a big fan of frying chicken in a frying pan. Too much work for my taste. Earlier today I found a slow cooker recipe for a chicken dish. I've already got all the ingredients, so I may make that instead. Although I dislike cooking, I'm a big fan of my slow cooker. I like assembling my meals in the slow cooker in the morning and turning it on. Not only does it make my house smell delicious and homey, it takes the pressure off of assembling meals around 3 or 4 p.m.

I'm hoping my new meal planning mantra sticks as I'm tired of opening up the refrigerator door, wondering what's for dinner.

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