Monday, September 21, 2009

Meal planning? What the heck is that?

Good God, dear husband is talking about meal planning. Right now, I've got my hands over my ears, going la, la, la, la, la, laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, la to myself to drown out his musings on the subject.

I hate meal planning. I absolutely hate it. I ordered a menu planner from and it recently arrived in the mail. I have yet to open up the envelope. Oh, I have great intentions when it comes to meal planning. But as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved in good intentions.

I've tried meal planning in the past, but it only lasts a week. I think it stems from the fact that I hate to cook. I'm like Cher's character, Rachel Flax, in the movie Mermaids. Mrs. Flax didn't like to cook. She liked finger food. I'm a finger food type of girl. I can survive just fine on h'ordeuvres and tiny sandwiches.

However, dear husband can't. He is a meat and potatoes type of guy. He doesn't like tiny sandwiches all that much. And since barbecue season is winding down, we'll have to start considering planning our meals. Argh! And that means we'll have to start thinking ahead of what we want to eat for the entire week and that means making a shopping list. I know it makes economical sense to plan our meals for the entire week, but there is something inside of me that just can't do it. But at least meal planning would solve the problem of us standing in front of the refrigerator, wondering what is for dinner.

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