Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Real babies don't eat quiche or vegetables for that matter

Quiche anyone?
If you want some mini-quiche, just let me know. I've got tonnes of it in my deep freezer. I made a batch of it for darling daughter. Although she seemed to like it five days ago, she has since given it a big thumbs down. So now I am face with a large plastic container filled with mini-quiche.
I got the idea of making quiche from a friend of mine. I thought it would solve two dietary problems I currently face: protein and vegetables. It would be a protein option and I could hide vegetables in it. And I thought I had a winning strategy five days ago when I introduced it to darling daughter's taste buds. She ate it all up. And she ate it again the next day.
But when I gave her some quiche last night, she spit it out. It was a no go. The love affair with eggs and vegetables has ended. This was after she knocked off her high chair tray, which was filled with vegetables at the time, onto the floor. So here I am faced with continuing the battle of the vegetables. The score so far is darling daughter, 2; me, zip.
I am trying to come up with ways in how to hide vegetables from darling daughter. I've gotten a couple of tips from friends. But in the meantime, it is back to purees. Heaven forbid darling daughter will feed herself tiny cut up carrots, but she'll readily open her mouth for the stuff out of the jar. Go figure.
I'm going to try peas tonight. Here's hoping she'll mistake them for green blueberries.

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