Monday, September 7, 2009

Forty weeks reduced to less than a minute

According to a Globe and Mail article, instead of posting their pregnancy photos on social networking sites or distributing them via email, more expectant couples are turning to YouTube to document their time lapse pregnancy journeys for everyone to see.

The article states that some bloggers are disturbed by this trend. The headline of one blog discussing this subject boldly stated that time lapsed pregnancies scare them barren. Ouch! That's kind of harsh.

I don't know why people are so scared by these mini-documentaries that document the miracle of life. Despite the fact there are roughly six billion people walking on the face of the earth, conceiving, carrying and birthing a baby isn't as easy as 1, 2 and 3. Early on into my pregnancy with darling daughter, I thought I was having a miscarriage. Sitting on a gurney in an emergency room, a nurse explained to us that basically the stars have to align for a woman to conceive and successfully carry the baby to term. So when you think about it, we are all miracles.

I give anyone who makes these documentaries a lot of credit. They seem like a lot of work and dedication. This documentary is my favourite. I like how the nursery changes, the mother-to-be's ever-changing maternity wardrobe and how her partner randomly appears in and out of the documentary.

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