Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I want my boobs back

We have had a good 13 month run, but it is time for our breastfeeding journey to end.

It may sound selfish, but I want my boobs back.

With the introduction of sippy cups about a month ago, our breastfeeding sessions have been reduced down to two a day: once in the morning and once at night. And so far, it has been going well. I am concerned about how much liquids darling daughter is actually getting, but she seems to have plenty of wet diapers. Plus, I try to add water whenever I can in her diet. Watermelon is a favourite. And I offer her sippy cups throughout the day.

Except for the morning feeding, she doesn't ask for momma's milk. She seems to be content in using her sippy cup.

So I am at the cusp of transitioning from the breast to the sippy cup. It is a bittersweet time for both me and darling daughter. Although it is nice to be wanted, it is time for breastfeeding relationship to end. I am proud of our journey. At the beginning, I didn't think I'd last 13 days, let alone 13 months. We struggled. There were tears. Darling daughter hated my left boob at first. She'd cry when she saw it. Then after awhile it became her favourite. Although it took some time, I soon discovered how convenient how breastfeeding is. No bottles. No fuss. No muss. I've breastfed on planes, in airports, at malls, in the backseat of the car and in parks. There was a time that I didn't want to introduce solid foods because I didn't want to interrupt our breastfeeding relationship because it was that important to me.

I must admit, I am a bit nervous because the boob is so convenient, especially as a comforting tool, but I am ready. And darling daughter is ready, too. Plus, I want my boobs back.


  1. Best of luck with your transition! It's really different for every child, but the good news is, I've never heard of a breastfed 6 year old. It WILL happen!

  2. There was a girl in my Mom's first grade class that used to go home at lunch to be breast fed. My personal feeling is that once they have the ability to ask for it, it's gone on too long.
