Wednesday, September 30, 2009

High on endorphins

I've been using my Goodlife membership car a lot lately.

It is almost like old times. During my working days, I had a list of class schedules in the top drawer of my desk and a bunch tacked onto my fridge. Now, I peruse the schedules online, seeing if there is a class I can sneak off to once dear husband walks through the front door.

And I have been class crazy lately. Instead of my old standby of three or four BodyStep classes a week, I've been changing it up a bit. I started BodyAttack a couple of weeks ago. It has been ages since I've flicked, jumped, ran and power lunged. By the end of the class you truly feel like your body has been attacked.

This week I've been trying to ease myself back into BodyPump after a two and a half year hiatus. Since Sunday, I've done two classes. I just came home from one. The way my upper arms feel right now, I doubt if I will be able to lift them above my head tomorrow.

And it been good to step up my exercise routine. And with my friend T motivating me and encouraging me to expand my horizons, exercise seems more fun these days. Plus, I have found my match in T, who just seems to love exercise as much as I do.

Anyway, I'm going to wrap up this post as it is now starting to hurt to type. But it is a good kind of hurt. The type of hurt that you know you have had a good workout.

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