Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fast food censorship?

Yesterday I finally got around to washing darling daughter's toy food in anticipation of getting her downstairs play room ready. Months ago, I had purchased a Little Tykes toy kitchen off Kijiji. It was a great deal and it even came with toy food. While I was washing the food, I noticed the set came a hot dog, French fries, ice cream cones, potato chips and donuts, all of which is considered junk food.

As I was sorting the food items, I started wondering if I should toss them in with the fruit and vegetables that I had just washed. Instead I set them aside, unsure what to do with them. In this day and age of child obesity, should kids play with toy hot dogs and ice cream? Or is the idea of censoring these toys from the toy box a bit over the top?

I turned to Google for answers to see what others were saying about the subject. Unfortunately, after five minutes of searching, I didn't find much useful information. I did find one website that focuses on promoting healthy food choices for children that stated that parents should take out items that they don't approve of, such as cola bottles and junk food with brand names.

I realize there has been an ongoing debate surrounding children and toy guns. Toy guns were once considered a typical childhood toys. Remember Ralphie asking for an official Red Ryder carbine action BB gun in the 1983 classic movie, A Christmas Story? And subsequently being told by his mother, teacher and Santa Claus that "You'll shoot your eye out." As a kid, my own brother had his own BB gun. So did some of his friends. But times change and some parents are reluctant to let their children play with these toys in the wake of increase violence and school shootings.

So is toy junk food the new toy gun? Or am I making a mole hill out of a mountain? I honestly don't know. Right now I've stuck the "controversial" items in a plastic Ziplock bag, while I think more about the subject. I already know the French fries will eventually hit the garbage can as darling daughter could easily shove one up her nose or poke some unsuspecting play mate in the eye since they are so narrow and pointy.

If anyone has any thoughts on the subject, feel free to leave a comment. I'd really like to hear what other parents think about the subject.

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