Friday, October 30, 2009

H1N1 headache

Is this pandemic over yet? Because it is giving me a headache.

Sorry if I sound so trivial, but in my opinion fear is spreading faster than the flu. However, with that being said, dear husband and I decided to see if we could get one of those golden tickets (they are now handing out bracelets) being handed out at H1N1 clinics operated by Ottawa Public Health. One could argue that by lining up for the vaccine we are feeding into the fear. And they would have a point. But I'd like to get darling daughter get the vaccine sooner rather than later.

Dear husband went into work early in order to take the afternoon off in hopes of securing us a bracelet for darling daughter. He, and hundreds of others, lined up at a local arena. Unfortunately, he was about a 100 people away from getting a bracelet. Better luck next time.

So we are going to plan B it and do it all over again tomorrow. Now, I'm not hopeful that we will get a bracelet, but at this point all we can do is try.

I can't wait until the fear dies down a bit and health units are able to release some of the vaccines into the hands of family physicians. Because at this rate, it may take three or four months to deliver the vaccine to Ottawa residents who want it.

So we will see what transpires tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. To anonymous,

    I want to thank you for your comment and taking the time to read my blog. But as a former journalist, I believe it would be irresponsible for me to publish the link you provided. The article is full of speculation and one-sided. And it isn't clear if the author of the piece followed up with the women who made the comments to determine if there stories were true and accurate. It is up to reputable journalists to confirm facts and seek out the truth.

    But I want to make clear that I can sympathize with these women. I recently had a miscarriage and if my pregnancy had progressed, I would have given birth in mid-June. Sadly, these women will likely never know what caused their miscarriages as my doctor told me there is a list longer than her arm as to what can cause a woman to miscarry.
