Tuesday, October 6, 2009

No one wants to play in cigarette butts

Excuse me for the following rant, but I've got to get this off my chest.

I live in a condo/townhouse development. One thing I have had to learn to tolerate since moving here more than three years ago is cigarette smoke. Most people seem to smoke outside of their homes rather than inside. I totally understand as people don't want to expose their children, loved ones, pets, furniture and belongings to second hand smoke.

I can usually smell it when I have the windows open. As a result, I'll shut my windows as I don't want my child, dear husband, furniture and belongings exposed to second hand smoke.

This afternoon when I was preparing dinner (that should be a post in itself as I hate to cook) I could smell cigarette smoke. At first, I thought it was my next door neighbour, but when I looked out into the parking lot, I didn't see her car, so it wasn't her. Minutes later, I could still smell smoke. When I looked beyond the parking lot and into the playground I spotted the culprits: two parents. They were swinging on the swings, enjoying their cigarettes.

This really bothers me. In Ontario, it is illegal to smoke inside a vehicle with children. It should be a no brainer not to smoke with such small passengers in a car, but it seems we live in a day and age when you have to legislate common sense. Some municipalities already have bylaws prohibiting parents from lighting up at playgrounds and sports fields. I'm not too sure if Ottawa has such a bylaw, but it wouldn't matter anyway as the playground in question is on private property.

The smell didn't bother me as I shut my windows. But what did bother me is the fact that the neighbourhood children will come across ashes and cigarette butts while playing, which is a disgusting image when you think about it. I don't think any parent wants to see their children playing in cigarette butts, even those who are smokers. Sometimes I wish people would use their common sense and have some respect for others. If you got to smoke, don't smoke at a playground. Thanks.

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