Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Encroaching on my territory

Dear husband is sick. He decided to stay home today and keep his germs to himself. God bless him. I hope he is well enough to go to work tomorrow because he is encroaching on my territory.

For whatever reason when dear husband is sick from work, it feels really weird when he is home. I've got no problem when he is home during the weekend. In fact, I love the weekends, especially Sundays as he dedicates this day to watching football. I take that time to do errands, go to the gym or read a book. But when he was home during a weekday, it just feels plain weird. But to be fair, he is sick and was in no shape to go to work today.

And to make things worse, darling daughter refused to nap today. REFUSED. There was tears, tears and more tears. After several separate attempts by dear husband and I, we had to abort all nap plans. Although it was manageable between the two of us, there was no countdown to 5 p.m. to look forward to because dear husband was already home. So basically we had to watch our poor congested, red eye rimmed baby, who desperately needed a nap, walk around the living room all day, playing with her toys. At least she was in a relatively good mood. But having darling daughter skip her nap time made for a long day.

So hopefully dear husband's germs disappear tomorrow, allowing him to go back to work tomorrow. I've come to the conclusion between the hours of 8 a.m. at 5 p.m., Monday to Friday, the house is my territory. And maybe it is just me being weird, but I don't like anyone encroaching on my territory during these time periods. Not even my husband, despite the fact I love him to death. I'm not too sure what we'd do if we ever won the lottery. I guess one of us would be working for fun.

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