Friday, October 2, 2009

Boo for 1:30 a.m. wake up calls

Right now I'm trying to wipe the bleariness from my eyes because I am so tired. Last night I had an encounter with the Twilight Zone so to speak as darling daughter decided at 1:30 a.m. that sleeping is for chumps and she wasn't having any of it. When her shrill cries woke me up from a deep sleep, I thought it was morning. It is hard to tell these days between morning and the middle of the night as both look the same: dark. I sighed in frustration when 1:30 blinked back at me on the digital TV box. Good God, I thought to myself, why now? Too early.

I thought a quick diaper change would be the cure all, but I was wrong. For three hours she was up. I haven't had an experience like that since she was about seven weeks old. And it was painful. How quickly the mind forgets was a sleepless night is like.

We tried everything. Dear husband tried to rock her asleep. We turned her Orbusforme sound machine on. We patted her back. We put her in a sleeper in case she was chilly. We changed her diaper and we even tried letting her sleep with us. About 4:30 a.m. she gave into blessed sleep. It only lasted for about two hours though. As soon as dear husband shut the front door on his way to work, she was up. Argh! Although she slept for another hour, it was a restless sleep.

So obviously from last night's escapades, I'm not in the greatest of moods. I've got a headache. I'm tired as well as a tad bit grumpy. The hour long nap darling daughter had this morning wasn't long enough as she is now whining I do believe for a nap.

I'm not too sure what caused last night's brief sleep strike. Maybe she is teething. (In this household we seem to blame teething for episodes like this). Maybe she was chilly. All I know is that I'd like this not to happen again as 1:30 a.m. is way too early for a wake up call.

I will excuse myself now as I'm going to put my cranky daughter down for a nap and take heed of that age old advice of sleeping when the baby sleeps.

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