Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rethinking my love for Trofast

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about my new Trofast unit. At the time, I was so excited when dear husband assembled our new organizational unit for darling daughter's toys. I still take some enjoyment in its plastic and pine glory, but I am so sick of picking up toys.

It didn't take long for darling daughter to figure out how to get the plastic bins out the pine unit. And when she isn't taking the bins out of the unit, she is tossing the toys out the bins. For a 15 month old, she is a smart cookie.

So once darling daughter is done having breakfast, the toy chaos begins. Toys are flung in every direction. Bins are pulled out from their drawers. Once everything is on the floor, darling daughter will hunker down in a bin and will chew on a toy or two before getting bored and toddling off to the next adventure. And by the time I know it, every block, Little People, ball, stuffed animal and gizmo is underneath my feet. Since getting the Trofast, the usual toy mess seems to be getting messier these days. But to be fair to the Trofast, it isn't exactly its fault. It is just doing its job, despite the fact that darling daughter has figured out how to get the bins onto the floor.

So lately I've been cleaning up toys at least five times a day. I guess I should stop complaining and just accept the fact that I'll be cleaning up toys off the floor for awhile. I'm just waiting for the day that darling daughter helps out, but that day may be long in coming.

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