Thursday, October 15, 2009

It is one of those days

Although I won't get into any details, I will say the last couple of days have been pretty rough. In an attempt to cheer myself up, I decided this morning that darling daughter and I needed to get out of the house and partake in some retail therapy. And as a tightwad, I consider retail therapy going to Wal-Mart. That way, I know I won't break the bank too much.
Until we reached the check out line, our shopping trip had gone fairly smoothly. I found some yarn, hair conditioner and a Fred Penner CD as well as a cute Halloween shirt for darling daughter. As she enters the toddler years, darling daughter wants to touch everything. Every time we are in Wal-Mart or the grocery store, she likes touching the grimy check out counter, which gives me the hebbie-jeebies because who knows how many germy little hands have touched the same grimy check out counter.
Thinking I was being smart, I moved her away from the grimy check out counter. But at the time I didn't realize I had moved her beside the candy display. As I was paying for our purchases, darling daughter opened up a plastic container filled with candy beads and spilled half of the container's contents onto the floor. I was embarrassed. If it had been any other day, I would have picked up the beads and insisted I pay for the candy. Instead I tried to hide the candy beads by sweeping them to the edge of the check out counter with the side of my shoe so they wouldn't get caught underneath the stroller wheels. Before I could make a quick escape, the cashier spotted the beads. I did make a half hearted attempt to pay for the candy beads, but my offer was turned down, although reluctantly. In hindsight, I really should have cleaned up the mess, but I didn't. And for that, I'm sorry.
The next stop was Loblaws to stock up on fruit and to find something to make for dinner. Lately, I've tried to have dinner ready for 5 p.m. I must say my cooking skills are a work in progress, but I'm getting better at it. Parking beside a cart carousel area, I quickly grabbed a cart. While I was busy tending to darling daughter, I spotted a brown sedan two spaces away from us. There was a little old lady sitting in the passenger seat. I didn't think anything much of this until I went to put darling daughter into the cart. But it was gone. It had rolled into the side of the brown sedan. I'm not too sure if the cart bumped the car hard, but luckily the lady didn't seem all that concerned when I retrieved my cart. I, however, did say sorry.
After getting home, the first order of business was to get to lunch on the go and to put away groceries. I let darling daughter into her playroom. As a new parent, I have quickly learned that if she becomes too quiet then she is definitely up to some kind of mischief. When I poked my head into the playroom, I saw darling daughter dumping clothes onto the floor. I had totally forgot that I had a clothes basket filled with folded clothes. The clothes are now folded haphazardly, waiting for me to put them away.
So it is basically one of those days when nothing seems to be going right. It is also one of those days where I am eating semi-sweet chocolate chips out of the bag (that I hid in the freezer so they wouldn't tempt me) because I need a chocolate fix. It is also one of those days where I fell off the Diet Coke-free wagon. Yep, it is just one of those days. But on the bright side, thankfully tomorrow is Friday.

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