Thursday, October 8, 2009

I ate you so you wouldn't tempt me

Oh peanut butter, you are too much of a temptation to have in the house.

I love peanut butter. I especially love peanut butter on buttered English muffins. If I could eat peanut butter and English muffins all day, I'd be a happy girl. Yum. And when I'm in the mood to jazz it up a bit, I sprinkle chocolate chips on top. Yum, yum!

My love for peanut butter started when I was pregnant with darling daughter. When you have gestational diabetes and the thought of eating meat makes you almost physically sick, you have to look for protein alternatives. And peanut butter was the main alternative. I don't know how many jars I went through during the third trimester. Maybe three or four. At the time I thought my peanut butter addiction was a pregnancy thing, that my addiction to peanut butter would wane after the baby came. But that wasn't the case. I kept on eating peanut butter. But after awhile I came to the conclusion if that I wanted to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans I'd have to cutback on my peanut butter intake as it wasn't really helping the cause.

I've been pretty good over the last couple of months. But sometimes I get the urge and I go out and buy peanut butter. I bought this jar after spotting it on a shelf at a convenience store.

Tonight I was having another craving for buttered English muffins and peanut butter. I couldn't deny my grumbling stomach anymore, so I took a peek inside of the jar. There wasn't much of the yummy goodness left inside the jar. After thinking about it for a brief moment, I reasoned if I ate the rest of the peanut butter there would be any left to tempt me anymore. Out of sight, out of mind, I concluded.

Minus the chocolate chips, I indulged. It was good. And now I don't have any peanut butter left. Let's hope the chocolate chip cookies I made last week that are stashed away in the deep freezer don't call my name any time soon. I don't need a new addiction.

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