Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Toy organization at its best

This may sound superficial of me, but I can't stop starting at my new Trofast unit in all its pine wood and plastic bin glory.

I love you Trofast unit. I really do. You have made my life so much easier since you arrived on Sunday.

As part of my recent decluttering purge, I made a couple of trips to Ikea. I'm not a big fan of Ikea. (I know this is such a sacrilege statement to say as many people adore this store.) Although most of my house is furnished by Ikea, I can't stand walking through the store. I'm an in-and-out type of girl. I don't go to Ikea to browse. I hate crowds. I go with a list and to deal with people just browsing or stopped in the middle of the aisle to gawk at a display makes me absolutely mental. Stopping suddenly in an aisle is akin breaking in fast flowing traffic on the Queensway. Why are you stopping? No, don't stop to chat. I've got no time to hear your conversation as I'm a mission, which involves getting my items and getting the heck out of dodge.

So in the last two weeks I have made three trips to Ikea, which is a record for me. The first trip was to conduct research as photos on a website don't cut it for me. The second was to buy two Trofast units and the third trip was to purchase the bins. (I didn't buy all the bins at once as I wanted to get an idea how many I needed in various sizes.) One unit is for the main level and the second is for darling daughter's soon-to-be playroom.

Before I decided to invest in these organizational units, we were using a very large blue pail given to us by close friends of ours. It worked great for an entire year, until darling daughter started to take all of her toys out of it and pushing it around the living room. One day she even fell into it. That is when I decided that we needed to invest something that is a bit more toddler proof. And as for the blue pail, I'm sure I will find a good use for it in a different capacity other than toy storage.

Now, I'm able to organize all her toys. There is a container for all her stuffed animals and another for her stacking toys. The Little People have their own container and the blocks are stored in another. Yep, life has become much easier with Trofast. And as weird as it sounds, it is almost becoming a joy to pick up darling daughter's toys.

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