Thursday, November 12, 2009

Toy confusion

This plastic baby bottle with bow-tie pasta and brown rice is darling daughter's favourite toy today. I quickly put it together this morning. And she loves it.
Sometimes I wonder why I buy her toys. Give her a couple of face cloths, a bib or a pair of her own shoes, she's happy for hours. Buy her a new Little People set or an Elmo World phone, they might capture her attention for a couple of minutes throughout the day.
So now I'm on the fence when it comes to Christmas gift giving. I've got three Little People sets sitting in the storage closet for her for under the Christmas tree. (I bought them when they were on sale). While she isn't all that big about the big Little People sets, she does enjoy playing with the actual Little People. But isn't three Little People sets too much for a little girl? The good thing with these sets is that I can keep them and save them for later, or give them out to others for birthday gifts. They certainly won't go to waste.
Some of the moms on one of the online message boards I belong to employ the something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read policy. Plus, Santa may leave a little something under the tree and in their stockings.
I really like that policy. I really do. But I've got a tendency to overspend at Christmas and I don't know if I can hold to that policy. Last year I did okay, but I have done better and stuck to the original plan of being thrifty. Because at the time, darling daughter was only five months old and she really didn't need anything. Plus, it looks like dear husband is becoming worse in the gift giving department. He couldn't resist and bought her several toys last year.
As well as the Little People sets, I also bought her a wooden puzzle and a rattle with bells, for her stocking. So if I think about it, one of the Little People sets could be filed under the something you want category. Since I bought a bunch of books for her in recent month, I'll replace the book with the puzzle for the something to read category.
I'm stumped when it comes to the something you need category. She's 15 months. She doesn't really need anything. So I may just use one of the Little People sets to fill that vacancy or buy her some Fred Penner CDs. We do need more music CDs. And for the something to wear, well, she's a clothes horse. I've spent a lot of clothes in recent months, but I may make her a hat if I find the time.
The third Little People set can always be given to her from Santa.
So yeah. If I stick by that plan, I should be good. But I find it so hard not to cave in and buy more at Christmas. I'll keep you updated in how I do.

1 comment:

  1. Even I'm on the fence when it comes to Christmas gift giving. It was nice going through your blog. Happy Living.
