Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Days like these . . .

It is days like these that I'm glad that I'm a stay at home mom.

Right now I'm watching darling daughter play with her books and one of the small bins from her trofast unit. And that is fine by me. I've got a major headache, and it isn't from all the snow that is falling to the ground, either. I've been suffering with a cold for the last several days. I'm pretty sure that what I'm suffering from is a cold. It feels different than when I'm battling allergies. Right now I'm thankful that I can breath through my nose, but I wish this horrible cough would take a hike.

The other night I got a grand total of two hours of sleep and last night I got about five. While I more than doubled what I got the night before, I'm feeling pretty exhausted. Add in the fact that darling daughter is refusing to nap longer than one hour a day, and I'm almost to the end of my rope. A two hour nap would feel great right about now.

So before I confuse your or myself any further, the reason I'm glad that I'm a stay at home mom on days like these is that if I only had five hours of sleep, forced to battle the crazy stormy weather in rush hour traffic and work eight hours in an office, I think I'd go nuts. Right now I'm in my usual uniform of lululemon wear. I have no intentions venturing outside. I may not even leave the house for the rest of the week, depending how I'm feeling. Yes, I'm exhausted. Yes, the weather is frightful. But thankfully I'm safe and sound at home, in close proximity to a bed if darling daughter decides to take a nap any time soon.

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