Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sippy cup SOS

This past weekend, I misplaced two sippy cups within a 24 hour period.

Woe is me. When you only have two sippy cups, losing one puts you in a difficult position. The first sippy cup was misplaced at a friend's house during a Christmas party. I meant to put it in darling daughter's diaper bag, but it completely slipped my mind when we were leaving.

After realizing we were one sippy cup down, dear husband bought darling daughter two brand new sippy cups. Good thing he did because once again we were one sippy cup down come Sunday afternoon after returning home from another playdate. When we were packing up from the playdate, I remember putting the sippy cup in the diaper bag. That is the last time I saw it. Either it fell out of my bag or was eaten by the diaper bag. Regardless, it is gone and no where to be found.

Now I have two cups. I almost lost a third yesterday when visiting my brother's house. I made a mental note to retrieve darling daughter's sippy cup from my brother's living room when we were leaving. And we couldn't find it. Me, my sister-in-law and my mother spent about five minutes searching for darling daughter's sippy cup. I was sweating bullets. If we couldn't find the sippy cup, we'd be two sippy cups down. With only one sippy cup to depend on, we were treading on a thin line. Two Christmas ago, I was at my brother-in-law's house when my 20-month-old niece lost her sippy cup. It was their only sippy cup. They spent hours searching the house for said sippy cup. They finally found it in the trunk of my niece's bike. Needless to say, the bought a back up sippy cup.

Well, the sippy cup gods decided to cut me a break and we found the sippy cup in the little cupboard inside the coffee table. I was relieved. I meant I didn't have to break into darling daughter's Christmas stocking and use the sippy cups I bought her for Christmas.

Thank you sippy cup gods for heeding my SOS. I do appreciate it. And if you could do something about the valves coming off the cups, I'd appreciate that, too.


  1. Cute :) I thoroughly enjoyed reading this Val!

  2. These are adorable sippy cups Valerie! Where did you get them? BTW, I read your blog quite often and am always entertained and amused by your writing :)

  3. Thanks ladies. :) Rachelle, I got the cups at Zellers. I believe they are Gerber Graduates sippy cups.
