Monday, December 28, 2009

Leftovers galore

The turkey has been eaten. The remainder of the pumpkin swirl cheesecake that I didn't end up stashing in freezer has been consumed. Any and all leftovers from Christmas Eve dinner are gone. However, the that doesn't mean the leftover parade is over in my household!

Hell, no. I'm up in my eyeballs in leftovers. My meal planning plans that I executed earlier this month are still going strong. And as planned, I'm eating leftovers until the cows come home (or when there are no more leftovers to be found in the freezer). On tonight's menu: leftover slow cooker lasagna. Yum. And there are two more containers where that came from.

A quick glance in the freezer reveals that I have some fiesta chicken, baked beans, spare ribs and some turkey hash to go through. Argh! I hate leftovers. I'm not a fan. But I'm better than dear husband. He'll avoid any opportunity to eat leftovers. I basically have to either cajole him or badger him to eat them. There have been times where he'll conveniently "forget" to bring his lunch (leftovers from the previous night's dinner) to work. But as previously planned earlier this month, the deal was that we'd get rid of those leftovers by eating them. I can't exactly toss them. It would be a waste of food. Plus, I have no green bin to recycle them. Plus, I'm hoping this will relieve some pressure on the grocery bill. The bright side of all of this is I don't have to cook or plan any dinners for at least a week. Yay for me. And when those leftovers are all gone, I can always start making meals again or crack into the cheesecake.

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