Thursday, December 10, 2009

I'm dreaming of a NyQuil induced coma

Forget dreaming of a white Christmas. I'm dreaming of sleep.

I'm in desperate need of sleep. The last three nights have been H-E-L-L. Night one: two hours. Night two: five hours. Last night: six hours. Despite increasing my sleep quota over the last two nights, I'm utterly exhausted. I need some good, quality sleep. Not interrupted sleep. For a woman who basically lives her life in a bubble, I've been either dealing with allergies or a cold for the last month. Darling daughter got sick last week. She seems to be getting over her epic week-long runny nose.

I, on the other hand, sound like I'm coughing up a lung. My cough keeps me up at night. Combine this with the fact that I will suddenly wake up at night for no reason and I have a disaster on my hands. I'm utterly tired. I think I'm reaching the threshold where I'm just too tired to sleep. Ah, insomnia is not my friend. And as for dear husband, who takes public transit to get to work every day, other than the sore throat on Monday, he has had no major colds to deal with. Lucky him.

I'm waiting for dear husband to come home to take over parental duties. Once he walks through the front door, I'm taking a mega dose of NyQuil and calling it a day.

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