Monday, September 13, 2010

Crock Pot Mondays

In my quest in my battle to succeed at meal planning, I've decided to introduce a new feature to the blog: Crock Pot Mondays. Basically the premise is for me to post recipes that I've tried or currently trying in my slow cooker. This way (I hope!) I will be continually motivated to keep up with meal planning. Lately, my Crock Pot has been working overtime. In the last couple of days I've made lazy chicken and sloppy joes. I've got most of my recipes from Stephanie O'Dea's A Year of Slow Cooking blog. This woman's blog is giving the inspiration to expand my slow cooker repertoire from the usual fare I make. I really want to make a cake.

So what's in the Crock Pot today, you ask?

* 1 whole chicken, thawed and skinned
* 1 head of garlic
* 2 lemons
* salt and pepper
* fresh rosemary

After you skin the chicken, rub it inside and out with salt and pepper. Place chicken in slow cooker. Peel garlic and stuff several whole cloves into chicken and sprinkle more cloves on top and around the chicken. Slice lemon and place on top, around and inside the chicken. Wash rosemary and do the same. The recipe states that if you are using dried rosemary, use a good amount, about two to three tablespoons. Do not add water. Cook on low for eight to 10 hours.
I've never tried this recipe, but I have no doubt it is a winner. I've made fragrant lemon chicken, which is a similar recipe and it was delicious. There is nothing like the smell of rosemary wafting through the house on a coldish September day.

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