Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Routine keep sanity intact

I love routine. I hate when I'm out of a routine.

It has been a hectic couple of days. After the CIBC Run for the Cure charity garage sale on Saturday, I thought I'd spend the rest of the weekend relaxing. Heck, dear husband even had Tuesday off. With that many days off, surely we'd do something as a family.

If you consider snapping at each other, getting under each other's feet and whining family time, then we spent lot of quality time together. Darling daughter was sick on Saturday night and refused to sleep. Sunday was spent in a sleep deprived coma. Monday (I can't remember what happened Monday) came and went and yesterday we spent underneath each other's feet. Also, darling daughter refused to nap. Fun times weren't had by all.

Dear husband was stoked that he could spend the rest of the week in the computer room, participating in a work-related training sessions. However, he changed his mind and announced yesterday he'd be doing the course from his office. I don't blame him. I'd want to take a break from all the whining, too.

So with him out of the house, our routine has resumed. I've spent the day cleaning up poop, cleaning out the refrigerator and baking muffins. And darling daughter has decided to resume her naps. Yes, I love routines. They keep me sane.

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