Monday, September 6, 2010

Just because you like your stuff doesn't mean everyone else will

On Saturday, me and two fellow mommas and friends, organized a charity garage sale. From gathering donations, to organizing and pricing, this sale was a huge undertaking. But all the work we invested into it was well worth it as we raised more than $450 for the CIBC Run for the Cure.

For the last two months, I've been slowly getting rid of darling daughter's baby things. It has been a work in progress. I sold a bunch of stuff in July through on-line classified ad sites. I've taken a break because that it was a huge undertaking in itself. Dealing with strangers, including those who can be classed under the random category, can sometimes be an exercise in frustration.

I decided to put darling daughter's clothes in the garage sale because I have painfully discovered that selling baby clothes is nearly next to impossible. Some stuff I sold at the garage sale almost broke my heart. Parting with baby clothes is hard as they are a reminder that the baby age is gone she'll never be that small again. Despite the fact you are ready to let go, it is hard to divorce yourself from these items. Throughout the sale, we sold the clothes at bargain prices. Again, this broke my heart (and injured my ego a bit) as I knew they were worth more than what we were selling them. I tried to remind myself that (a) this was a garage sale, not a consignment sale and (b) selling this stuff was raising money for charity. I think at one point I agreed to sell a clothing lot consisting of seven sleepers and two pajamas for $5. That was hard.

Despite having my heart broken a bit, my ego was injured when people rejected darling daughter's stuff. The thoughts of What do you mean you aren't going to buy this stuff? My kid look darn cute in it? ran through my head as people pawed through the clothing bins. Despite trying, I couldn't win.

I'm not too sure what I'm going to do with the leftover items. I guess I could keep them. Or I guess I could try and sell them again. Between trying to sell baby and maternity clothes, I think I've given myself a massive headache.

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